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User Badges

You can earn badges on RocketLaunch.Live by contributing launch information or supporting as a Premium Member.

Founding Member 🏛

A special token of appreciation for the users who joined during the first six months of our Premium membership program.

Top Contributor 💎

These users are in the top 10% by number of contributions.

Premium Member 🌟

Our Premium Members support our site financially every month and get access to additional features.

1-Year Premium Member 🔶

These users have been a Premium Member for one consecutive year.

2-Year Premium Member 🔷

These users have been Premium Members for two consecutive years.

Elite Premium Member 🏆

These users have been Premium Members for three or more consecutive years.

New Contributor 🌱

A new contributor is a user whose first contribution was within the last 3 months.

Historian 📜

Historians have contributed to at least 5 past launches.


This user has made at least 3 approved contributions to the site's content.